
Returns sales information.


Method GET


Name Data Type Description
referenceDate DateTime Date used to calculate DateRange objects for budgetary reporting


An anonymous type with the following definition

Name Data Type Description
Month DateRange A span of time, calculated from the supplied reference date, that represents the month considered current for budgetary reporting purposes
Year DateRange A span of time, calculated from the supplied reference date, that represents the year considered current for budgetary reporting purposes
YAGMonth DateRange A span of time, calculated from the supplied reference date, that represents the month considered to be one year ago from Month for budgetary reporting purposes
YAGYear DateRange A span of time, calculated from the supplied reference date, that represents the year considered to be one year ago from Year for budgetary reporting purposes
InvoiceProductLines An array of objects of anonymous type with the following definition
Name Data Type Description
ArTrxHdrIDX Integer Part of a compound primary key composed of ArTrxHdrIDX, ArTrxLineSeq, and ArTrxLineTrxType
ArTrxLineSeq Integer Part of a compound primary key composed of ArTrxHdrIDX, ArTrxLineSeq, and ArTrxLineTrxType
ArTrxLineTrxType Integer Part of a compound primary key composed of ArTrxHdrIDX, ArTrxLineSeq, and ArTrxLineTrxType
Header ArTrxHeader[] Refer to data type’s documentation for further information
Commodity Commodity Refer to data type’s documentation for further information
Label Label Refer to data type’s documentation for further information
Size Size Refer to data type’s documentation for further information
Variety Variety Refer to data type’s documentation for further information
Product Product Refer to data type’s documentation for further information
Quantity Decimal Refer to Famous’ help system for further information
EquivalentQuantity Decimal Refer to Famous’ help system for further information
SaleAmount Decimal Refer to Famous’ help system for further information
FOBAmount Decimal Refer to Famous’ help system for further information
Plan An array of objects of anonymous type with the following definition
Name Data Type Description
ProductionTypeIDX Integer System assigned, immutable value that uniquely identifies the record
Name String User assigned, mutable value that uniquely identifies the record
MonthPlanTons Decimal Tons planned for the time span designated by Month
YearPlanTons Decimal Tons planned for the time span designated by Year