
Represents a unit of production that is a subdivision of Lot.


Name Data Type Description
JobKey Integer System assigned, immutable value that uniquely identifies the record
Lot Lot Refer to data type’s documentation for further information
StartDateTime DateTime The starting date and time of the Job
EndDateTime Nullable<DateTime> The ending date and time of the Job
Transaction Transaction Refer to data type’s documentation for further information
Line Line Refer to data type’s documentation for further information
MaxEfficiency Nullable<Decimal> User assigned value intended to designate the maximum efficiency of the Line
Bag Item Refer to data type’s documentation for further information
Branding Branding Refer to data type’s documentation for further information
CasesRejectedQC Integer User assigned value intended to designate the quantity of cases rejected due to quality control measures
CasesHoldQC Integer User assigned value intended to designate the quantity of cases held due to quality control measures
MachineDamaged Integer Represents a user assigned value whose original and current meaning is unknown
BoxesWithDamage Integer Represents a user assigned value whose original and current meaning is unknown
DamagedBags Nullable<Integer> Represents a user assigned value whose original and current meaning is unknown
BagItemLotNumber String See remarks
BrandingLotNumber String See remarks
BoxManufacturerName String See remarks
BagManufacturerName String See remarks
BreakTime Decimal User assigned value intended to designate the total amount of break time in hours
DownHours Decimal User assigned value intended to designate the total amount of down time in hours
Notes String User assigned text intended to capture information not otherwise captured by other properties


Job currently contains an amalgam of non-normalized information that would be better stored as properties of related first-class objects. For example, BagItemLotNumber should not be a property of Job, but a property of a material requisition in a larger materials inventory feature. Indeed, BagItemLotNumber does not even make sense given that it implies there can only be one when it is possible to use material from more than one material lot during the production process. As such, this part of the system has been identified as an area in need of further analysis and potential redesign.