
Represents quality characteristics obtained from the analysis of a walnut sample.


Name Data Type Description
WeightReceipt WeightReceipt Refer to data type’s documentation for further information
AdheringHull Integer The count of walnuts expressing this characteristic
AmberCount Integer The count of walnuts expressing this characteristic
AmberGrams Decimal The weight in grams of walnuts expressing this characteristic
AverageRLI Decimal Represents the average reflective light index
Baby Integer The count of walnuts expressing this characteristic
Black Integer The count of walnuts expressing this characteristic
Blows Integer The count of walnuts expressing this characteristic
Broken Integer The count of walnuts expressing this characteristic
Dirty Integer The count of walnuts expressing this characteristic
EdibleYield Nullable<Decimal> The edible yield percentage of the inshell meat grams
ExtraLightCount Integer The count of walnuts expressing this characteristic
ExtraLightGrams Decimal The weight in grams of walnuts expressing this characteristic
GreenMold Integer The count of walnuts expressing this characteristic
HuskFly Integer The count of walnuts expressing this characteristic
InShellWeight Decimal The weight in grams of walnuts expressing this characteristic
Insect Integer The count of walnuts expressing this characteristic
Large Integer The count of walnuts expressing this characteristic
LightAmberCount Integer The count of walnuts expressing this characteristic
LightAmberGrams Decimal The weight in grams of walnuts expressing this characteristic
LightCount Integer The count of walnuts expressing this characteristic
LightGrams Decimal The weight in grams of walnuts expressing this characteristic
LightSubCount Integer The count of walnuts expressing this characteristic
Medium Integer The count of walnuts expressing this characteristic
Moisture Decimal A moisture reading from the sample expressed as a percentage
MoistureIsCertified Boolean Indicates whether the Moisture result has been designated as certified
Mold Integer The count of walnuts expressing this characteristic
OtherKernelDefects Integer The count of walnuts expressing this characteristic
Rancid Integer The count of walnuts expressing this characteristic
RejectGrams Decimal The weight in grams of walnuts expressing this characteristic
RLIModifier Nullable<Decimal> Represents a modifier to AverageRLI
Shrivel Integer The count of walnuts expressing this characteristic
Size34MM Integer The count of walnuts expressing this characteristic
SplitEnds Integer The count of walnuts expressing this characteristic
Stained Integer The count of walnuts expressing this characteristic
TotalSample Integer Represents the total count of nuts contained in the sample
WaterDamage Integer The count of walnuts expressing this characteristic
ShellGrade ShellGrade Refer to data type’s documentation for further information
GradedOn Nullable<DateTime> User supplied date of grade completion