
A material good generated through means of production and intended to be marketed or sold.


Name Data Type Description
ProductKey Integer System assigned, immutable value that uniquely identifies the record
Owner AppEntityType Refer to data type’s documentation for further information
ID String User assigned, mutable value that uniquely identifies the record
Name String User assigned, mutable value that uniquely identifies the record
MediumName String User assigned value intended for display purposes when presentation limitations make utilization of Name impractical. May not be unique between records
ShortName String User assigned value intended for display purposes when presentation limitations make utilization of MediumName impractical. May not be unique between records
PackagingType PackagingType Represents how the Product is packaged
FamousProductIDX Integer Record identifier from Famous. Unique only within the scope of a given Owner
CreationDate DateTime System assigned, immutable value that indicates the point in time at which the record was actualized


PackagingType SHOULD NOT be changed once it has been established. Doing so would adversely affect existing data.