
Represents the result of calculating payment for a given WeightReceipt.


Name Data Type Description
PaymentReceiptKey Integer System assigned, immutable value that uniquely identifies the record
WeightReceipt WeightReceipt Refer to data type’s documentation for further information
ReceiptMetrics PaymentReceiptMetrics Refer to data type’s documentation for further information
BasePrice Decimal Price obtained from base price matrix
BaseModifiers Decimal Modifiers to BasePrice
AdjustedBasePrice Decimal Price after application of BaseModifiers
OtherModifiers Decimal Modifiers to AdjustedBasePrice
CalculatedFinalPrice Decimal Price as calculated after application of OtherModifiers
OverrideType ReceiptOverrideType Refer to data type’s documentation for further information
OverridePrice Nullable<Decimal> If calculation has been overriden, will contain the override price. Refer to OverrideType to determine what OverridePrice represents
OverridePriceAtPayPercent Nullable<Decimal> OverridePrice taken by the percentage associated with the payment
FinalPrice Decimal The effective price after application of OverridePrice
FinalPriceAtPayPercent Nullable<Decimal> FinalPrice taken by the percentage associated with the payment
HitPriceCap Boolean Indicates whether a price ceiling was applied
HitPriceFloor Boolean Indicates whether a price floor was applied
CropValue Nullable<Decimal> Value of receipt prior to applying adjustments
TotalAdjustmentRate Nullable<Decimal> Aggregated rate of all ReceiptAdjustment objects applicable to the receipt
TotalAdjustmentAmount Nullable<Decimal> Total amount of all ReceiptAdjustment objects applicable to the receipt
NetValue Nullable<Decimal> Value after applying adjustments
PreAdjustmentInshellPrice Nullable<Decimal> Price per inshell pound prior to applying adjustments
PreAdjustmentMeatPrice Nullable<Decimal> Price per meat pound prior to applying adjustments
PostAdjustmentInshellPrice Nullable<Decimal> Price per inshell pound after applying adjustments
PostAdjustmentMeatPrice Nullable<Decimal> Price per meat pound after applying adjustments
Adjustments ReceiptAdjustment[] Refer to data type’s documentation for further information