
An accounting entry that affects the quantity and/or location of product.


Name Data Type Description
TransactionKey Integer System assigned, immutable value that uniquely identifies the record
Date DateTime Date of Transaction
Type TransactionType Used to identify the type of transaction taking place
SourceLocation Location Used in conjunction with Type and Quantity to modify the Product balance of a Location
DestinationLocation Location Used in conjunction with Type and Quantity to modify the Product balance of a Location
Product Product Product involved in the Transaction
Quantity Decimal Amount taken as a coefficient of the Factor of a product's PackagingType to express the units of the Transaction in terms of the product’s UnitOfMeasure
Pounds Nullable<Decimal> Units of the Transaction expressed in terms of the system's base UnitOfMeasure


Pounds is a convenience property to simplify the conversion of Quantity into the system's base UnitOfMeasure, which would otherwise need to be computed from its constituents. The value will be null if the product’s PackagingType has not been specified.