
Derives from Phase and exposes additional properties specific to budgeting.


Name Data Type Description
PhaseIDX Integer System assigned, immutable value that uniquely identifies the record
ID String User assigned, mutable value that uniquely identifies the record
Name String User assigned, mutable value used to designate an entity
Type PhaseType Refer to data type’s documentation for further information
BudgetGroupName String A value intended to designate a logical grouping
IsEquipmentChargePhase Boolean Indicates whether a phase is used for charging equipment usage to cost centers
IsRevenue Boolean Indicates whether a phase is used for tracking revenue


The origin of the word "phase" as used by Famous is unclear. By definition, it would seem to indicate a particular stage in a process or cycle. Given that Famous was designed specifically for the agricultural industry, it is possible that the intention was to indicate a stage in the crop cycle. Whatever the origin, it is now used as a generalized accounting category.