
Represents a physical location that may be further subdivided into fields.


Name Data Type Description
LandKey Integer System assigned, immutable value that uniquely identifies the record
LandNumber String User assigned, mutable value that uniquely identifies the record
Name String User assigned, mutable value used to designate an entity
OrganizationName String Name of the business, affiliation, or group associated with the Land.
Region Region Refer to data type’s documentation for further information
Inactive Boolean An indicator used to designate if the record represents a value preserved for historical purposes, but no longer pertinent to future operations
IsCOILand Boolean
IsCRLand Boolean
Assignment Assignee Refer to data type’s documentation for further information
FSMACategory FSMACategory Refer to data type’s documentation for further information
Manager String
ManagerPhone String
Address Address Refer to data type’s documentation for further information
Contact Contact Refer to data type’s documentation for further information
IsContracted Boolean
ContractStart Nullable<DateTime>
ContractType ContractType Refer to data type’s documentation for further information
FinalPaymentMonth Nullable<Integer>
Payment String
ExcludeFromPayments Boolean
Bonus Boolean
EarlyDeliveryBonus Boolean
FSMARepresentative String
CropReceivers IntStringPair[] Refer to data type’s documentation for further information
FieldReps FieldRep[] Refer to data type’s documentation for further information
Growers LandGrower[] Refer to data type’s documentation for further information
Hullers Huller[] Refer to data type’s documentation for further information
FSMAVerifiedCropYears CropYear[] Refer to data type’s documentation for further information
Fields LandField[] Refer to data type’s documentation for further information
Notes LandNote[] Refer to data type’s documentation for further information


Some properties of Land, such as OrganizationName, represent attributes of related objects that should be normalized into separate entities. They exist for historical reasons and are not deemed to be a significant enough design flaw to invest the resources required to correct.

Not all endpoints load sub-objects.