
A unit of production representing a collection of material generated by a Station over an unspecified temporal duration that is generally delimited by the output container’s capacity.


Name Data Type Description
OutputKey Integer System assigned, immutable value that uniquely identifies the record
ProcessRun ProcessRun Refer to data type’s documentation for further information
Station Station Refer to data type’s documentation for further information
Operator Operator Refer to data type’s documentation for further information
Size Size Refer to data type’s documentation for further information
BinType BinType Refer to data type’s documentation for further information
OutputSeqNumber Integer A number that represents the relative production order of an output within to the entire set of outputs of the ProcessRun to which it belongs
Weight Nullable<Integer> This value is expressed as pounds
IsDeleted Boolean Indicates whether the record is deleted
DeletedReason DeletedReason Refer to data type’s documentation for further information
RecordCreationTime DateTime System assigned, immutable value that indicates the point in time at which the record was actualized