
Return statistical information regarding historical inputs for all open contracts.


URL https://cap.crainwalnut.com/api/traceability/historicalblend
Method GET


Name Data Type Description
cutOff DateTime Designates a limiting factor for historical data


An array of objects of anonymous type with the following definition

Name Data Type Description
ContractProduct ContractProduct Refer to data type’s documentation for further information
DataType Integer Numerical identifier of the type of data associated with the record
DataTypeName String Display value for the type of data associated with the record
DataPointKey Integer System assigned, immutable value that uniquely identifies the data point
DataPointName String User assigned, mutable value that uniquely identifies the data point
RecordCount Integer Count of historical records associated with the given data point
Percentage Decimal Frequency of the occurrence of the given data point relative to other data points of the same type when the overall data set is partitioned by ContractProduct