Returns quantitative information regarding Lot
URL | |
Method | GET |
Name | Data Type | Description |
<none> | DateRange |
Designates a limiting factor for the returned collection. Only lots whose Date is within the specified DateRange will be included |
An anonymous type with the following definition
Name | Data Type | Description |
Lot | Lot |
Refer to data type’s documentation for further information |
ProducedQuantity | Decimal |
Amount of Product produced expressed in terms of the product’s PackagingType |
ProducedPounds | Decimal |
Amount of Product produced expressed in terms of the system's base UnitOfMeasure |
ShippedQuantity | Decimal |
Amount of Product shipped expressed in terms of the product’s PackagingType |
ShippedPounds | Decimal |
Amount of Product shipped expressed in terms of the system's base UnitOfMeasure |
PhysicalBalanceQuantity | Decimal |
Amount of Product in physical possession expressed in terms of the product’s PackagingType |
PhysicalBalancePounds | Decimal |
Amount of Product in physical possession expressed in terms of the system's base UnitOfMeasure |
AdjustmentQuantity | Decimal |
Amount of Product adjusted expressed in terms of the product’s PackagingType |
AdjustmentPounds | Decimal |
Amount of Product adjusted expressed in terms of the system's base UnitOfMeasure |
ReturnedQuantity | Decimal |
Amount of Product returned expressed in terms of the product’s PackagingType |
ReturnedPounds | Decimal |
Amount of Product returned expressed in terms of the system's base UnitOfMeasure |
ReservedQuantity | Decimal |
Amount of Product reserved for order fulfillment expressed in terms of the product’s PackagingType |
ReservedPounds | Decimal |
Amount of Product reserved for order fulfillment expressed in terms of the system's base UnitOfMeasure |
AvailableQuantity | Decimal |
Amount of Product available for order fulfillment expressed in terms of the product’s PackagingType |
AvailablePounds | Decimal |
Amount of Product available for order fulfillment expressed in terms of the system's base UnitOfMeasure |
ShippedValue | Decimal |
Monetary value of Product shipped derived from associated OrderProduct |
AverageValuePerShippedPound | Nullable<Decimal> |
The quotient of ShippedValue to ShippedPounds. Provided as a convenance property. |
Properties ShippedValue and AverageValuePerShippedPound are only available to users with extended security permissions. All other properties are available to anyone with general permission on the endpoint.