
Returns quantitative information regarding Lot objects.


URL https://cap.crainwalnut.com/api/production/lotbalances
Method GET


Name Data Type Description
<none> DateRange Designates a limiting factor for the returned collection. Only lots whose Date is within the specified DateRange will be included


An anonymous type with the following definition

Name Data Type Description
Lot Lot Refer to data type’s documentation for further information
ProducedQuantity Decimal Amount of Product produced expressed in terms of the product’s PackagingType
ProducedPounds Decimal Amount of Product produced expressed in terms of the system's base UnitOfMeasure
ShippedQuantity Decimal Amount of Product shipped expressed in terms of the product’s PackagingType
ShippedPounds Decimal Amount of Product shipped expressed in terms of the system's base UnitOfMeasure
PhysicalBalanceQuantity Decimal Amount of Product in physical possession expressed in terms of the product’s PackagingType
PhysicalBalancePounds Decimal Amount of Product in physical possession expressed in terms of the system's base UnitOfMeasure
AdjustmentQuantity Decimal Amount of Product adjusted expressed in terms of the product’s PackagingType
AdjustmentPounds Decimal Amount of Product adjusted expressed in terms of the system's base UnitOfMeasure
ReturnedQuantity Decimal Amount of Product returned expressed in terms of the product’s PackagingType
ReturnedPounds Decimal Amount of Product returned expressed in terms of the system's base UnitOfMeasure
ReservedQuantity Decimal Amount of Product reserved for order fulfillment expressed in terms of the product’s PackagingType
ReservedPounds Decimal Amount of Product reserved for order fulfillment expressed in terms of the system's base UnitOfMeasure
AvailableQuantity Decimal Amount of Product available for order fulfillment expressed in terms of the product’s PackagingType
AvailablePounds Decimal Amount of Product available for order fulfillment expressed in terms of the system's base UnitOfMeasure
ShippedValue Decimal Monetary value of Product shipped derived from associated OrderProduct
AverageValuePerShippedPound Nullable<Decimal> The quotient of ShippedValue to ShippedPounds. Provided as a convenance property.


Properties ShippedValue and AverageValuePerShippedPound are only available to users with extended security permissions. All other properties are available to anyone with general permission on the endpoint.