
Delineates an exact period of time that approximately spans one cycle of a crop as it progresses from a ripening phase to the next.


Name Data Type Description
CropYearKey Integer System assigned, immutable value that uniquely identifies the record
Name String User assigned, mutable value that uniquely identifies the record
StartDate DateTime Beginning of the crop year
EndDate DateTime End of the crop year
IsCurrent Boolean Indicates whether a crop year is considered the current year. User assigned value that is not computed from dates


While CropYear is intended to span one crop cycle, it has no inherent implication as to what point in the cycle StartDate should correspond to. For field operations, it is defined as beginning at the point in time immediately following a harvest and approximated as November 1st. For processing, it is defined as beginning at the point in time immediately preceding a harvest and approximated as September 1st.