
Represents a recording of the delivery of goods.


Name Data Type Description
ReceiptKey Integer System assigned, immutable value that uniquely identifies the record
Manifest Manifest Refer to data type’s documentation for further information
TagNumber String User assigned, mutable value that uniquely identifies the record
InTime Nullable<DateTime> Date and time receipt was weighed in
OutTime Nullable<DateTime> Date and time receipt was weighed out
Land Land Land associated with the receipt for tracking and payment purposes
Field LandField LandField associated with the receipt for tracking and payment purposes
CropYear CropYear User designated crop year of the receipt
Location Location Intended initial storage destination. Used for reporting, traceability, and for logistical verification during unloading
Variety Variety User designated variety of the product received
GrossWeight Integer Weight of the load upon arrival. Includes weight of product, container, and transport
TareWeight Nullable<Integer> Weight of container, transport, and any other apparatus originally included in the GrossWeight. Computed by unloading product from transport and re-weighing
NetWeight Nullable<Integer> Weight of the product. Computed from GrossWeight and TareWeight
BarcodeSheetText BarcodeSheetText Refer to data type’s documentation for further information